inside the church


Rehoboth Christian Life Ministries, Inc. is a world outreach evangelical ministry that is founded on the prophetic revelation in Genesis 26:22. It is a manifestation of the divine calling revealed to the founder of the ministry based on the eternal foundation of the truth and word of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We have the commission to evangelize Christ-like life and God’s kingdom to all races and tongues of the world. Rehoboth is an end time evangelical ministry where the oppressed will never be oppressed again, captives are set free, and a well of spring water is found for our thirsty souls. A place where there shall be no more strives. It is a place of eternal salvation, peace, and prosperity for the nations of the world.


Sunday services (10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.; 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) Bible Study: Digging the well (Tuesday 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.) Intercessory Prayer (Wednesday 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) Healing and Miracle Hours (Friday 11:00 p.m. to Saturday 1:00 a.m.) Counseling (Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. or by appointments) Nehemiah Fasting First three days of every month. Location: 205 Shadeland Ave., Lansdowne, PA 19026

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  • hands on top of the bible
  • woman looking up
  • man praying

How You Can Help the Ministry

There are many ways you can support the work of God in this ministry. We appreciate your continuous prayers for the ministry. We also appreciate your financial support and other donations to cater for the need of the ministry.

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religious man holding a bible

Our Belief

We believe Jesus is Lord and the only begotten son of the Most High God. We believe in the power of the word of God. We believe Jesus is the word and the power of God. We believe in the doctrines and ministries of Jesus Christ. We believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe in the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. We believe in the ministries of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the second coming of Christ and life after death. We believe in the power of Praise, Worship, and Prayer. We believe in divine healing and deliverance. We believe God still speaks to men and confirms his words, wills, and purposes through diverse divine means.

Our Mission

Our mission is to spread the good news of God's unfailing love to the world. To preach the gospel of the truth and salvation in Christ Jesus. To demonstrate the compassionate love of Christ to the world. To disseminate the message of the truth and deliverance to those in the bondage of sins and wickedness of this world. To declare freedom to the captives and oppressed, healing to the sick, and restoration of hope and vision to the hopeless and downtrodden. To minister to the needs of people of all races, nations, and backgrounds. Isaiah 61.

About Us